We are Generations Ministry

Building generations of disciples, new and now, into reflections of Christ

Make new disciples of Christ

We exist as a church to make new disciples who come to know who Jesus is, to see for themselves how Jesus can radically altar their lives here and for eternity because of what he has done for us on the cross, and to decide to follow Christ.

Mature current (now) disciples of Christ

Like a baby, once given birth, is on a trajectory of maturity, once you receive new life in Christ, you must grow into maturity by reflecting the character of Christ. We believe that a mature follower is growing in his/her love and affections for Jesus and striving to live in trust and obedience to him and his teachings in the Scripture. We don’t want to remain on the surface of outward, empty religion. We want our lives to actually be transformed and genuinely impacted by the Gospel in our mind, heart, and will.

Build generations

We want to repeat, again and again, the hard but rewarding process of making new followers and maturing current disciples. We don’t want to end with one generation but many new generations of Gospel-centered disciples. We want disciples who make new disciples who then go on to make new disciples, passing on the legacy of renewal (hope and transformation) in the Gospel.

Robing Jeong

Robin Jeong

Lead Pastor

As the pastor of Generations Ministry, Robin is responsible for teaching the Bible, leading the church, training leaders, and counseling disciples.

He enjoys backpacking, making coffee, playing guitar, and cooking.

Regina Kim

Regina Kim

Worship Director / Children’s Ministry Teacher

Stacey Jing

Stacey Jing

Youth Teacher / Deacon

Andrew Lee

Andrew Lee


Our Vision

Be fruitful and multiply and fill the Bay Area with disciples of Christ for the glory of Christ.

Our dream is to see the Bay Area filled with Christ-honoring followers who love our neighbors and our cities because of our highest love for Christ. We want the Bay Area to receive the blessings of Christ and to delight in Christ’s name through the Gospel message of sinners saved by grace.

Our Values

These are what guide us to fruitful ministry.

The Gospel

We love the Gospel and it is the central hope of our faith. We want to breathe, live, talk, sing, pray, and be motivated by the Gospel in all that we do as a church. We are all about Jesus.

What is the Gospel? The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ died for his enemies (us!) and rose from the grave for our rescue! Every human being must answer to God, our Creator. The terrible reality is that every human being is undeniably wicked from the inside out and we all stand in judgment before God. We cannot save ourselves from this judgment. BUT for God so loved the world, He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, to be crucified and to die in our place for the forgiveness of our sin and the adoption as God’s sons and daughters. Afterwards, Christ rose from the grave on the third day and triumphed over sin and death. In order to receive this free gift of life, one must acknowledge one’s complete moral shortcoming and wholly trust that only Jesus’s blood is enough to eradicate his/her record of debt and to make one wholly beautiful and righteous before God. What we could never do, Christ has done on our behalf. All we need to do is rest in the finished work of Christ. Everything we do flows out of this Gospel reality. As Christians, we never do things to earn God’s love and approval; we only do things because we already received God’s love and approval. In Christ, there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God, both in this life and for eternity.


Loving our neighbors + sharing Christ by word and deed

Great Commandment + Great Commission

The Bible + Prayer

It may sound like we are stating the obvious, but really, the Bible and prayer are the foundation of our faith. It is our great passion here to both teach the Bible expositionally (fancy word for “in depth”) and to model prayer. 


We believe that the church’s primary calling is to help people come to know Jesus and then to build true and genuine followers of Jesus who trust, enjoy, and obey him in every sphere of our lives. We don’t want to be merely a tight-knit community but a Christ-centered, Christ-following community that takes disciple-making seriously! We do this primarily through our DNA groups that meet mid-week.
First, we must be RESTORED in relationship to our Father through Christ. Second, we must be RENEWED continually for the rest of our lives in our mind, heart, and action by the Spirit of God. Third, we must REFLECT Christ’s character and love to the world as mirrors of Christ.


We believe that the Gospel unites us across ethnicity, culture, age and many other differences. (Ephesians 2) Although we are part of an immigrant Korean church, we are seeking to be a more diverse family beyond the Korean ethnicity because God calls us to! We have a lot of work to do in reaching diversity as an expression of the Gospel, and we are asking that God would make our ministry one that is welcoming to people of many backgrounds. Will you join us in this endeavor of seeing the gospel tear down walls of hostility?

Statement of Faith

We follow The Gospel Coalition’s statement of faith